Friday 19 February 2016

“زراعة الرموش”.. كيف تتم ومتى يكون الحاجة لها؟

هل تتخيل أن الرموش يمكن زراعتها مثل الشعر؟!، الأمر يبدو صعبًا، نظرًا لحساسية وضع الرموش أعلى العين، بالإضافة للبصيلة الصغيرة التي تُخرج شعرة واحدة، بدلا من ثلاث كما في الرأس.

لكن عملية زراعة الرموش الآن أصبحت من العمليات المتاحة التي من السهل أن يقوم بها أي شخص يحتاج إليها.

فحاليًا تعد الرموش أحد أكثر الأشياء التي تزين وجه الإنسان، إلا أنه مع تساقطها لسبب أو لآخر يمكن لهذه الرموش أن تتساقط، بل أنه يمكن أن يولد الإنسان أساسًا بدون رموش.

كما يمكن أن يكون فقدان الرموش السبب الأساسي وراء القلق النفسي للشخص و سببًا أساسيا لشعوره بعدم الراحة وغالبا يكون السبب وراء فقدان الرموش التعرض لصدمة أو المرض أو حادث أخر.

وهو ما يسبب في الغالب فقدان لثقة المرضى بأنفسهم، وشكوى دائمة من الإحباط والتشاؤم، بسبب العيوب التي تبدو واضحة في مظهرهم، والآن لم يعد هذا الأمر يمثل مشكلة مع تقدم الطب وجراحات التجميل.
المزيد من التفاصيل:  زراعة الرموش

Wednesday 6 January 2016

ثلاثة نصائح لفترة نقاهة ناجحة بعد عمليات زراعة الشعر

كل عملية جراحية ولها فترة نقاهة ضرورية لإتمام عملية التعافي من آثار العملية والجروح التي تصيب المريض بعدها.

ومن ضمن تلك العمليات التي نتحدث عنها، تقع عملية زراعة الشعر الضرورية لكي يستعيد الفرد ثقته في نفسه ذاته.

وفي هذا السياق فانه يجب على المريض أن يستعمل بعض الأشياء ، ويقوم ببعض الأمور و يتقيد ببعض التعليمات حتى يعجل من شفاءه.

وفيما يلي مجموعة من النصائح التي يجب أن ينفذها المريض بكل دقة لكي يحقق عملية تعافى جيدة، ويقضي فترة نقاهة مميزة وناجحة.

:النصيحة الأولى

أول ما ننصح المريض باستخدامه هو استخدام نوع من الشامبو ما بعد عملية زراعة الشعر و هذا النوع من الشامبو يجب أن يقوم بتنظيف فروة الرأس و إزالة الأوساخ منها و لكن ما يميز هذا النوع من الشامبو أنه لطيف على فروة الرأس و لا يتسبب في تهيجها أو الإضرار بها، بل يمكن أن يستخدم المريض كذلك رذاذ التطهير و هو رذاذ يقوم بتطهير الجروح في كل من منطقة زرع الشعر و المنطقة المانحة للشعر.

مزيد من التفاصيل: بعد عمليات زراعة الشعر

Tuesday 5 January 2016

5 Reasons for Slow Hair Growth

Do you feel your hair is not growing? Don’t take it funny, sometimes it really feels like the hairs have completely stopped growing, especially if you have kinky, afro-textured hairs. This is the most fragile hair type of all, highly susceptible to damage and breakage. Hair physiology says that hair strands are always in one of the three growth phases – Anagen, Catagen, and Telogen. But sometimes it seems that hairs are not growing efficiently or hair growth has completely ceased. There are several reasons why your hair growth seems to have ceased or slowed down. Here we will discuss 5 reasons for slow hair growth. Give them a read and find out which one is it in your case.

Terminal Length Reached:

If you feel your hair growth has slowed down significantly over the last year, it is quite possible that your hairs have reached their “terminal length”. Confused? Let’s make it simple, just like height your hairs also have a terminal length beyond which they can’t grow. Once that terminal length is reached, your hair enters the catagen and its subsequent Telogen stage. These are dormant phases that last for 4 to 6 months and after that the hair falls off.

Poor Hair Care Habits:

Another common cause of slow hair growth is your unhealthy hair care regimen. The common poor habits that damage your hair follicles, affecting their ability to grow are excessive use of heating products, chemical treatments, over manipulation and unhealthy diet.

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Hair Transplants in Young Men

Hair loss and baldness are generally considered old age problems. But the fact is that nowadays young men are losing hairs more than the older ones. Androgenic Alopecia particularly is becoming a young men’s problem, with boys as young as in their late teens getting receded hairlines. Losing hairs can be devastating for men of any age but starting to get bald at such a tender age could be most overwhelming, as young boys are most conscious about their looks.

With hair transplant surgery being one of the most popular and the most demanded cosmetic procedure worldwide, even young men seek respite in surgical hair restoration. But did you know hair loss in young men is a challenge for hair transplant surgeons as well. They are often extremely distressed about the follicular future of their young patients, as hair loss is most likely to progress in young men even after hair transplant surgery. This not only leads to unnatural looking results but may also affect future donor hair supply of the patient.

Surgeons usually handle the case of hair transplants in young men by adhering to the minimum age policy i.e. no hair transplant before 25 years.

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How To Get A Perfect Facial Hair Transplant

From New York Hipsters to London stock brokers, men are increasingly turning to facial hair transplants in their quest to grow a perfect beard and enhance their masculinity. Gone are the days when women used to admire clean shaved men. With the hipster beard trend introduced a couple of years ago, almost every woman now wants his man to wear a bushy, thicker beard. But not many are blessed with a thicker and fuller beard naturally. If you are also struggling with a subtle, patchy beard simply get a beard transplant and get that ideal hipster beard.

What is a beard transplant?

Beard transplant is an innovation in surgical hair restoration that works just like the traditional hair transplant performed on the scalp. The technique involves extracting healthy, balding resistant hair follicles from the scalp, in rare case some other part of the body like chest or back, and transplanting them in the areas with hair thinning or bald patches in the beard. The transplanted hair follicles attach themselves to the blood supply in the recipient area and start growing like existing hairs.

Which hair transplant technique is used for beard transplantation?

People planning to undergo hair transplant surgery are usually more concerned about the hair transplant method used, and they should be as each technique is different from others, with its own pros and cons.
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Sunday 3 January 2016

4 Causes and Solution of Hair Breakage

Are your hairs breaking off more and more? Searching web to find out and effective solution for frayed ends? Battling with dull, dry, damaged and frizzy strands? Or your hairs have just stopped growing? If your answer to any of these questions is a yes, then take a deep breath and just relax, as you have finally reached the right place. Here we will share with you some common causes of hair breakage as well as solution to all of them. Continue reading to know what is preventing your hairs from growing at their fastest pace.

Walk into any store and you will be bombarded with legions of shampoos, conditioners and serums claiming to fight damage and frizz, and control hair breakage instantly. But you know what; they are stuffed with chemicals which may help you recover from your current problem, but trigger a number of other hair woes, with hair loss being at the top of the list. And even if it does not cause any side effect, without determining and fixing the underlying cause, don’t you even think of fixing any problem. Read on to know 4 causes and solution for hair breakage.


Lack of Moisture and Oil:

Dry and damaged fragile hairs are most commonly caused by lack of moisture and healthy oils. One of the obvious signs of dry hairs is a gentle crackling noise produced as you comb ends of your hairs. This is because of the frizz in the ends as well as due to hair breakage. Every hair follicle has a sebaceous gland attached to it, responsible for producing natural oils that keep a certain level of moisture in your hair shafts. How quickly these oils reach the tip of the hair, varies from one hair type to another. The silkier and straighter your hair is, the faster the process. But by excessive shampooing, you simply remove these healthy oils from your hairs, leaving behind dry and fragile strands.
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Is There a Scar Free Hair Transplant?

Hair Transplant Surgery is a blessing for men struggling with significant hair thinning and baldness. The surgery allows balding men restore a thicker and fuller head of hair permanently. But one of the most notable downsides of surgical hair restoration is a prominent scar on the scalp, at the donor site. This telltale scar often deters people from opting for the procedure. But with advancements in technology and emergence of new techniques, now it is possible to have a scar free hair transplant in Dubai. Extent and types of scar varies from one technique to another. Here we will share with you different hair restoration techniques and the resulting scars.

Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT):

Also known as Strip Removal Method, FUT is the traditional hair transplant method which involves cutting a linear strip of hair bearing skin from the donor area – usually the back or sides of the scalp. The skin is sutured back while the strip is dissected under a powerful microscope to separate grafts for transplantation. Cutting and stitching of skin results in a linear scar that remains there for the rest of your life. Although it is a thin, linear scar, it prevents a person from wearing short hairs.

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Facts and Treatment for Hair Loss

Hair loss is one of the most common hair woes reported by people from all over the world. You cannot associate it with a specific gender, age group or ethnicity, as it affects all equally and indiscriminately. To make sure you are not a hair loss victim or to counter the problem effectively, it is important that you know facts and treatments about hair loss.

Facts About Hair Loss:

It is Quite Common – As stated above, it is a very common condition that affects up to 70 percent males and over 40 percent females at some time in their lives.

Hair Breakage is Not Hair Loss – You must differentiate between hair breakage and hair loss. If your hair shafts are breaking while you comb your hair, it is due to weak texture. Hair loss on the other hand, refers to fall of hair from its root, caused by miniaturization of hair follicles.

Androgenic Alopecia is Not A Male-Only Problem – Androgenic alopecia, also known as pattern baldness is seen in both men and women, but it is more common and severe in former. When affecting a man, it is called male pattern baldness, while in women it is regarded as female pattern baldness.
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Transplanting Hairs To Increase Fullness

Are you seeking an effective way to increase fullness of scalp? Or you are not sure if hair transplant surgery can be used to increase fullness? Hair Transplant Surgery is the most effective and long-lasting solution for hair thinning and baldness. There is a common misconception that hair transplant surgery is a procedure to treat baldness only. But the fact is that surgeons across the world are using surgical hair restoration to help people increase fullness. The procedure in either case remains the same, but the number of grafts required and the time taken to complete the surgery varies significantly.


What Causes Hair Thinning?

Hair loss can occur due to various reasons, from malnutrition to stress and anxiety and from poor hair care to some underlying medical condition. Based on these causes, hair loss is divided into different types. One hair loss type that causes baldness is Androgenic Alopecia, aka male pattern baldness. Remaining hair loss types usually result in hair thinning – both generalized and localized. People often believe that hair transplant surgery is a procedure to fill up bald spots only. But the reality is, it can be used to add fullness to the areas with significant hair thinning.


The procedure for treating hair thinning is the same as that for baldness. The surgeon starts by harvesting DHT-resistant follicular units from the donor site – back or the side of the scalp. Since hair transplant for increasing fullness does not require large number of grafts, Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is often used for graft harvesting. These follicular units are then artfully transplanted in the areas with hair thinning.

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Relationship Between Eyebrow Hair Loss And Stress

Do you feel your eyebrows have become sparse? Wondering what is it that is causing you to lose eyebrow hairs? Or you are seeking an effective way to treat eyebrow hair loss? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, you have come to the right place. Here we’ll share with you some common causes of eyebrow hair loss and how to fix the problem.

Eyebrow hairs can fall out for numerous reasons including persistent plucking, skin infection, some underlying disease or normal aging. One unusual and not so known cause of eyebrow hair loss is stress and anxiety. Studies have found that people who are stressed out are more prone to losing scalp hairs as well as facial hairs, including eyebrow and eyelashes.

Telogen Effluvium:

Episodes of severe stress can trigger a medical condition known as Telogen Effluvium, characterized by abnormal hair loss. It happens due to an alteration to normal hair growth cycle, in which more than normal number of hair follicles is pushed into Telogen phase, the resting phase. The affected hairs fall out after a few months. Stress is not the only factor behind Telogen effluvium. There are numerous other triggers as well, including physical trauma to the body, major surgery, certain medications, health conditions and medical treatments.

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Friday 1 January 2016

How to Care For Dry Hair During Winter?

Winter season brings its own winter woes, from static electricity to hat hair and from dry frizz to split ends. What is worst about these problems is that if not addressed properly, they can last for the entire season. And it’s not the problem of people living on colder regions. Even those living in moderate climate show up with frizzy, damaged hairs as winters come.

With winters just around the corner, you may also be gearing up to face hair woes that chilled, dry weather can cause. Here we will share with you how to care for dry hair during winter. Follow these tips and maintain healthy, hair this winter.

Wear A Hat When Going Out:

The basic tip to protect your hair from winter damage is to always wear a hat when outdoors. The hat will help protect your hair from wind, rain and snow. But one downside of wearing hat is the “hat hair” the women don’t want to have, at least. Don’t worry we have an alternate for you! To avoid dreaded hat hair, loosely wrap your hair in a clean silk scarf before putting on your cozy, woolen hat. This will protect your hair against constant hat rubbing, and thus helps cut down the frizz and static.


Deep Condition:

Dropped temperatures, cold winter air and dry heat in your apartment all take away natural moisture from your hair, thus causing your hair to become dry and frizzy. To counter this problem, deep condition your hair once a week. Use some good quality, moisturizing conditioner that suits your hair type to replenish the moisture that gets depleted from your hair due to dry weather.

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Which Hair Transplant Surgery Should I Get?

Hair Transplant is regarded as the most effective and probably the only hair restoration technique that assures permanent hair. But with advancements in technology and different hair restoration techniques available, people are often seen confused which hair transplant surgery should they get. If you are also confused between FUE and FUT, then rejoice! You have come to the right place. Here we will explain you which hair transplantation method is good for which type of candidates.

The two most commonly used hair transplant techniques are Follicular Unit Transplant Method (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). FUT, commonly known as strip method transplant is a traditional technique that involves cutting a linear strip of hair bearing skin from the back or sides of the scalp. The strip is dissected under a stereo microscope to separate individual hair grafts for transplantation. FUE, on the other hand, is an advanced technique that involves direct extraction of follicular grafts from the scalp using a specially designed punch tool. Once enough grafts have been extracted, the surgeon transplants them into the areas of need.

Both FUE and FUT techniques are good in their respective domains. No one can make a generalized opinion to claim one technique is superior to the other. However, not every technique is suitable for every candidate.

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5 Hair Styling Tips and Techniques to Avoid Hair Loss

Some types of hair loss are unavoidable, and there is little you can do to prevent them from happening. But most of the hair types are entirely preventable as well as reversible, and one of them is Traction Alopecia. This type of hair loss is caused by continuous pulling of hairs, mostly due to unhealthy hairstyling habits. Continuous tension scars the hair follicles, affecting their ability to regrow hairs. Here we will share with you 5 hair styling tips and techniques to avoid hair loss. Follow them and avoid Traction Alopecia from occurring.


Don’t Wear Overly Tight Hairstyles:

Wearing overly tight hairstyles, such as cornrows and dreadlocks, involve pulling hairs tightly, and thus exert a continuous tension on the hair follicles underneath the skin. This ultimately weakens the follicles and if not addressed in time, can damage the hair follicles permanently as well. Same goes for tight ponytails and braids.


Say No To Hair Extensions:

Tying excess weight to the hairs also pulls the hairs downwards causing tension on the hairs. This is exactly what happens when you attach hair extensions to your natural hairs.

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5 Most Common Types Of Baldness

Hair loss is a quite common problem affecting both men and women. There are several types of hair loss, and each type has its own unique symptoms and presents its own different hair shedding patterns. At Hair Transplant Dubai Clinic we treat a wide range of hair loss conditions, with Androgenic Alopecia being at the top. We have a team of internationally recognized hair transplant surgeons who will not only identify the specific type of hair loss you may be suffering from, but will also help you treat the condition accordingly.

But before you see a doctor, it is important that you should also have some basic knowledge of different hair loss conditions and their cause. Here we have outlined most common types of hair loss:

Male Pattern Baldness:

Probably the most common type of hair loss in men is Androgenic Alopecia, aka Male Pattern Baldness. It is a genetic hair loss condition that affects adult men. Androgenic Alopecia in men is characterized by a receding hairline and/or gradual thinning of vertex. What differentiates male pattern baldness from other types of hair loss is that it affects only top of head, while hair on back and sides remain intact.

Female Pattern Hair Loss:

It is Androgenic Alopecia affecting women. It is also type of genetic hair loss that mostly affects women in their 30s and onwards. According to a survey, up to 40% of women suffer from female pattern hair loss at some stage in their lives. Unlike men, women do not experience complete baldness anywhere on the scalp; instead they suffer from generalized hair thinning all over the head. However, like male pattern baldness, female pattern baldness also usually affects the top of the scalp.
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Finding A Good Hair Transplant Surgeon

Hair Transplant surgery is an important procedure that needs a lot of deliberation before finally going under the knife, as it does not only need your money and time but your future appearance will also be based on it. The most important decision that, being a hair transplant candidate, you have to make is selecting the right surgeon. Like any other surgery, the ultimate outcome of surgical hair restoration also depends primarily on the hands performing it. The more skilled hands you choose, the more fine and natural looking hairline you will get.

Therefore, it is important that you do proper research when finding a hair transplant surgeon to make sure you end up hiring services of a highly skilled, experienced cosmetic plastic surgeon. Here are some tips on choosing the right hair transplant surgeon in Dubai:

Do Your Research:

Before selecting a hair restoration physician for the job, it is important that you do your research. The best way to find the right physician is seeking referrals from your family and friends who have already had a hair transplant. You can also use internet to locate leading hair transplant surgeons and facilities in the town. Based on your research, make a list of 4 to 5 best surgeons in your access.

Schedule Consultations:

Once you have prepared a list of best surgeons, schedule in-office consultations with them to have a better understanding of their surgical skills. Seeing a surgeon in his/her office will also help you get a better understanding of their patient handling and the services they offer.

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How to Stop Male Pattern Baldness?

Are you among the 70% of world’s male population that is suffering from male pattern baldness? Do you want to stop, and even possibly, reverse it? Just relax! You have come to the right place. Here we will share with you three effective ways to stop male pattern baldness, including medical treatments, dietary changes and natural remedies. Try whichever you find suitable and practical and see your hair growing back within a few months.

Explore Treatment Options:

There are numerous surgical and non-surgical options available to effectively restore lost hair.

Medicines for Male Pattern Baldness:

Minoxidil and Finasteride are two FDA-approved medications for Androgenic Alopecia, aka male pattern baldness. The former is an over the counter topical application sold in varying strengths (2%, 4% and 5%) to treat different degrees of hair loss. Finasteride, on the other hand, is a prescription oral medicine for treating severe androgenic hair loss. However, it is not prescribed for females. Regular use of these medicines for 3 months at least is required to get favorable results. However, results of these medicines are not permanent and hair loss comes back as you stop treatment.

Hair Transplant Surgery:

If you are seeking a permanent fix for male pattern baldness, a hair transplant surgery may be worth considering. To date, it is the only hair restoration method that guarantees permanent hair.
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